My cat filter published onto Messenger Kids. This uses Spark AR as the engine. It tracks eye blinks and has the cats blink with the user. You can click through to swap food items.
I used Maya, Substance Painter, and Spark AR.
Messenger Kids - Sandwich Shop - I created the artwork, and the game design was done by me. I had a tech artist implement functionality! Published on Messenger Kids
I joined Meta to help the Messenger Kids team on their mission to add content for children - teen ages. The projects were heavily focused on my ability to create fun and engaging content for kids. I was able to tap into my childhood ideas with some of the projects that i worked on here. Meta disbanded the Messenger Kids art team, so unfortunately i did not get to finish the last of the 3 games i got to work on, and i'm not sure if it was ever published.
I used mainly Maya, Substance Painter, Photoshop, and their Spark AR engine to create these experiences. These are AR experiences.